by Carla Naumburg | Sep 28, 2017 |
I received this question from a reader, and with her permission, I’m answering it here on the blog. Dr. Naumburg, My older daughter (who I’ll call #1) is seven years old, and her sister (#2) is four and a half. #1 is consistently friendly, compassionate, and helpful...
by Carla Naumburg | Sep 25, 2017 |
I’ve started going to restorative yoga classes once a week. These classes are basically like naptime, but stretchier. Our teacher’s primary instruction is to “get as comfortable as you can in each pose,” and she teaches us how to use cushions, yoga blocks, blankets,...
by Carla Naumburg | Sep 22, 2017 |, Writing
I received this question from a reader, and with her permission, I’m answering it here on the blog. Dr. Naumburg, My 7 year old daughter has started having pee accidents again, and yesterday she peed on the side of the soccer field during her game! I saw her squatting...
by Carla Naumburg | Sep 11, 2017 |
My daughters, who are 7 and 8 years old, learned about 9/11 this past summer. I wasn’t intending to talk about it just then, but it was a plot point in a book we were reading, and so we discussed it. The girls learned that 16 years ago, bad men flew planes into...
by Carla Naumburg | Mar 27, 2017 |, Writing
In my last post, I introduced the idea of #SanityPractices for parents. Now I’m going to dig a little deeper into what these practices are and how they can help you be calmer, more empathic, and more effective in every aspect of your life, including parenting. I’ve...
by Carla Naumburg | Jan 22, 2017 | Mindfulness, Parenting,
Well, folks, it’s been over a year and a half since I’ve updated my blog. I could give you all the reasons, from building a new house to moving into it to writing and marketing my second book, but those are just details. The important point is that I’m back. And if...