How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t with Your Kids

Publisher: Workman
Year: 2019
Pages: 192
We all know that we should be warm, responsive parents — but no one tells us how to actually *do* that. Until now! I am so grateful for HOW TO STOP LOSING YOUR SH*T WITH YOUR KIDS, because it helped me understand why it’s so hard to stay calm around your kids, why losing your temper isn’t a sign you’re a bad parent, and most importantly, it provides simple strategies to help you stay calm when your kids are pushing all your buttons. Honestly, at first, I was skeptical that the book would make a difference in my life, but it has been SO helpful. Bonus: Carla Naumburg’s writing is hilarious and engaging, so you’ll have fun reading it, too.
Ever lose it with your kid? If so, you’re definitely not alone. Parenting is stressful, children are insane, and you’re only human. I was so at a loss with my daughters that I found myself Googling “how to stop yelling at my kids” during a particularly grueling evening. That moment led to this book—a short, empathic, insight-packed, and tip-filled program for how to manage your triggers, stop the meltdowns, and become a calmer, happier parent with calmer, happier kids.
Click here for a list of my recent podcast appearances for How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids.