My 2014 Resolution: A Compassionate Mess

I love New Year’s Resolutions. I love the possibility of a fresh start. A new chance at a new me. THIS will finally be the year when I lose the weight, meditate and do yoga every single day, stop yelling, and become a New York Times bestselling author. This is the...

Enough With the Bad Mother Talk

I’m really good at the bad mother talk. Any of you (fathers included) who have spent any time at all hanging out with other parents or inside your own brain likely know what I’m talking about. Sometimes it’s the sarcastic, self-deprecating, but mildly humble-brag (as...

An Open Letter to Parenting Experts

As part of the research I’ve been doing for the parenting book I’m currently writing, I’ve been reading and listening to a lot of your opinions over the past several weeks. While most of you have lots of useful advice and reasonable suggestions, the truth is that...

Parenting When You Were Underparented

“On a deeper level, parenting when you yourself were under-parented can be triggering in surprising and frightening ways. I am a clinical social worker and therapist—I have spent years of my life studying and working in the field of human relationships—and I...