When Carla Naumburg found herself losing her cool with her kids again and again (and again) and not feeling especially good about any of it, she looked for help. Her Google search for “how to stop yelling at your kids” on a particularly tough night didn’t yield a lot of helpful tips, so the clinical social worker (and author of multiple parenting books) dug a bit more.

The result is her latest, “How To Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids,” which sorts through the reasons parents snap at their children (beyond the obvious that sometimes they’re annoying). And it attempts to give parents practical ideas about how to do better — both in terms of how we treat our children in tense moments and how we treat ourselves with compassion and care. Because we all snip and snap. It’s inevitable.

HuffPost Parents caught up with Naumburg to chat through some basic tips for keeping our collective cool in the face of little kid insanity.

Read the full article on HuffPost here.