Look at me being all mindful all over my kitchen counter!
Mindfulness (and all the yummy stuff that goes along with it, like compassion, curiosity, and gratitude) makes me happier, calmer, and decidedly less likely to lose my shit. (Did I mention I’m writing a book about how to stop losing your shit at your kids? You can read more about it here.)
The ability to notice what’s going on and then choose whether or not I want to get all caught up in the chaos or take a step back and not freak the f*ck out is a game-changer.
Having compassion towards myself in difficult moments makes a tough moment way less sucky. Feeling grateful for everything I have whenever I can makes my life easier and more fun.
It’s good stuff, folks. Even small shifts in your daily habits and practices can make a huge difference. You don’t have to go all hardcore (although you certainly can if that’s your gig).
Whether you’re ready to get started, skeptical as hell, a parent, yogi, or crafter, I’ve got something to get you started. Indulge yourself with a Christmas or New Year’s gift, or share mindfulness with someone you love. I’ve included links for everything, and please know that I have used and learned from all of these items myself and I’m not getting a kick-back for any of them.
Happy Holidays, and coffee on!
For the curious and new meditators:
Real Happiness: The Power of Meditation by Sharon Salzberg
Just Sit: A Meditation Guidebook for People Who Know They Should But Don’t by Sukey and Elizabeth Novogratz
A subscription to Mindful Magazine
For the skeptical:
The Mindful Geek: Mindfulness Meditation for Secular Skeptics by Michael Taft
This awesome “Just Breathe” tote bag from Emily McDowell
For parents:
Ready, Set, Breathe: Practicing Mindfulness With Your Children For Fewer Meltdowns and a More Peaceful Family by Carla Naumburg (that’s me!)
Simplicity Parenting by Kim John Payne
Coaching sessions or a retreat with Hunter Clarke-Fields, Mindful Mama Mentor (Costa Rica, anyone??)
For children:
Charlotte and the Quiet Place by Deborah Sosin and Sara Woolley
Moody Cow Meditates by Kerry Lee MacLean
A Hoberman’s Sphere (to practice intentional breathing)
For the app-happy:
(Not too many recommendations here, as I don’t think screen time is super conducive to mindfulness.)
Insight Timer (it’s free and awesome, available for both Android and iOS.)
For the yogi (or aspiring yogi):
Poser: My Life in Twenty-Three Yoga Poses by Claire Dederer
A subscription to YogaGlo (The app that has helped me get on the mat 3-5 times per week!)
Wireless earbuds (They’re not cheap, but they’re great for practicing yoga in front of a video while the kids are asleep in the next room!)
For the crafty:
A subversive (ahem) adult coloring book
This learn to knit kit
I’d also love to hear what you love! Please share your favorite mindfulness books and products in the comments below.